Meet Captain Kitten, the internet’s favorite feline pilot who’s taken the world by storm! From daring missions to adorable flight antics, Captain has become a symbol of adventure and cuteness, winning over aviation fans and cat lovers alike. In this collection, we dive into the top Captain Kitten memes, fan art, and stories, capturing the charm and humor of this beloved cat pilot. Join us for a journey filled with whiskers, wings, and plenty of laughs!
Sudden Nosedive

Inflight Safety

Bird Strikes

Flying in circles

Captain Kitten – Origin story

Best Decision Ever

And we have a lift off!

In Training
Time for kitty to fly.

“Mike Echo Oscar Whisky!”

I Am A Little Airplane

His enemies
Twin Otter On Floats

Captain Kitten has soared into our hearts with every meme and story, proving that even the smallest of pilots can leave a big impact. We hope you enjoyed this collection and had a few laughs along the way. Don’t forget to share your favorite moments with friends or fellow fans—and keep an eye out for new adventures featuring this brave, whiskered aviator! Whether you’re here for the cuteness or the aviation humor, Captain Kitten always brings a bit of joy to our feeds.