The Boeing 747 Airborne Aircraft Carrier, the U.S. Air Force parasite fighter concept proposed in the early 1970s.
Might work well today with drones, but with manned aircraft, it seems like it would be a flying coffin.

MC-747. I guess if there was a threat too great to handle reasonably, you can just launch ICBMs at it from a 747.
The MC-747 is practically impractical. It was going to be part of a fleet of airborne missile patrol cargo planes that would carry 4
Minuteman III ICBMs and stay airborne as long as it was periodically refueled and the crew was rotated.
What could possibly go wrong?

Boeing 747 CMCA. Nothing here, just a 747 modified to launch cruise missiles. Basically, there is nothing Boeing won’t propose doing with the 747. The 747 Cruise Missile Carrier Aircraft was to carry 50-100 AGM-86 air-launched cruise missiles

The Shuttle Transport Aircraft. Boeing’s concept of a twin-fuselage 747. It competed against Lockheed’s first twin fuselage C-5 concept. (early 1970s)

Found in a magazine from 1982. Boeing 747 Freighter conceptual design.

Boeing/ATK AirLaunch. ATK artwork showing the Boeing/ATK “AirLaunch” concept from a few years back. Upon release, the 747 would be obliged to dive out of the way, lest the rather dense booster bonk back into it.