Descending in to STL, the FO and Capt were talking about ex-wives. The Captain, whose name I don’t remember, mentioned he was getting married again.

“What?” said the FO. “You’ve already been married 6 times!’

“I know,” replied the Captain.

“What are you, nuts?” said the FO.

“Naw,” drawled the Captain. “I live in California, and they can take only 20% of my salary. I get married just to piss of the first wife – every time I get divorced, she gets less money!”

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13 years ago

Do not get married, end of story.

Geoff Kent
Geoff Kent
12 years ago

Why buy a book when you can join a library? Or, to quote my instructor, “If it flies, floats or fu*ks, rent .. don’t buy!