An example of potential miscommunications which occur on international flights. This is an Air China aircraft communicating with JFK Ground (controller sounds like JFK himself ).

Air China pilots seem to have some trouble understanding a few directions and questions. As you can tell, the potential for disaster is there.

AirChina981, make the right turn here at Juliette, join Alpha, hold short of MikeAlpha.

Right on Juliette hold sh… Taxi Alpha hold November (…) can we taxi now?

Make the right turn here at Juliette, join Alpha, hold short of MikeAlpha – AirChina981.

AirChina981, roger join right Juliette, join Alpha, hold short to November.

Ok, I’ll say it again, hold short of Mike Alpha M-A Mike Alpha, not November.

Ok, hold short of MikeAlpha, 981.

AirChina981, have they cleared you into the ramp?

Roger, ramp to the… ramp, AirChina981.

Ok, they had cleared you into the ramp?
AirChina981, Ground
AirChina981, Kennedy Ground

981, go ahead.

Have you been cleared into the ramp?

Ok, cleared to the ramp.

No, that was a question! Have the ramp people cleared you into the gate?

Roger, to the gate, AirChina981.

I’ll try it again, it’s a question, hold your position, this is a question (…) Have you been cleared into your gate?

Ok, we hold here.

Ok, how about the question? have they cleared you into the gate?

(…) Tower (…) Ground, AirChina981, we are… gate number 3 is open … taxi to northern

AirChina981, taxi to the ramp.

AirChina981, roger taxi to the ramp

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