Just when you thought the A-10 couldn’t get any more badass, the Air Force has opened up the paint buckets.

The A-10 Thunderbolt demo team’s jets got a classic look inspired by the WWII-era P-51 Mustang

The aircraft, serial 80-0275, was repainted between August and September by the 355th Equipment Maintenance Squadron at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona.

The paint scheme appears very similar to several Mustangs, but the first that comes to our mind is “Geraldine”.

What do you think of the new scheme? What Mustang does it remind you of?

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Kevin O'Brien
Kevin O'Brien
4 years ago

They should have taken the refueling probe dings out of the nose before putting that nice a paint job on it. Looks good though.

4 years ago

Looks more like the paint jobs you would see on the P-47 Thunderbolt

7 months ago

Wouldn’t it look more bdass if it had a bare aluminium finish?