Near midair collision on final approach.

THAT is downright frightening!

Shows how easily a midair can happen, particularly with the high wing / low wing scenario.

In the vast expanse of the sky, where commercial and private aircraft crisscross in complex patterns, the potential for midair collisions is a constant concern. One scenario that highlights the inherent risks involves the interaction between high-wing and low-wing aircraft. Despite rigorous air traffic control systems and advanced technology, the differences in visibility and blind spots between these two types of aircraft can easily lead to dangerous situations.

In a scenario where a high-wing and low-wing aircraft are converging, the risk of a midair collision escalates due to the blind spots caused by their respective wing placements.

These scenarios are compounded by factors such as speed differentials, altitude changes, and communication errors. Even with modern communication and collision-avoidance technology, the human factor remains pivotal. A momentary lapse in attention or miscommunication can lead to disastrous outcomes.

To mitigate the risks of midair collisions between high-wing and low-wing aircraft, a combination of advanced technology and vigilant piloting is essential. Pilots should maintain consistent communication with air traffic control and other aircraft, especially in busy airspace.

In the end, through continuous training, improved technology, and a commitment to safe flying practices, pilots can navigate the skies with confidence and minimize the risks associated with these scenarios.

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William H Fosgreen
6 years ago

That would bring out the pucker effect Kenny.That was rather dumb on that King Airs part.

William H Fosgreen
6 years ago

That was rather dumb on the King Air. At least it look like a twin King Air. Thank goodness your not a student pilot to see another plane drop down over you and take up a position in front of you could pucker up most folks.

4 years ago

Anyone explain what I just seen??? How did the higher plane not see the other plane? Also is there no communication with smaller aircraft???

Gary Craig
Gary Craig
4 years ago

Don’t they have at least uni com at the airport? Position report of being on final by one of the aircraft might have saved the near miss.

4 years ago

Nah, wrong shape and wrong shaped windows for a Kingy isn’t it? All the King Airs I’ve come across have round windows. It looks more like a PA-44 Seminole, or something similar.

Bruce Webb
Bruce Webb
4 years ago

I had something like that happen, but I was still on the runway. Sadly it was my fault. About 40 years ago and the last time I flew. I was solo, but a family of four was in the other plane.