After the pilot demonstrated how to open a small window in a plane, this guy opened it afterward so he could take a picture.

However, his camera got too close to the opening and was immediately sucked out of his hands dropping into the desert below.

I love it when he pats him on the back

Freefall and Aerodynamic Forces

As the action camera exits the aircraft, it enters a world of freefall. It tumbles and somersaults through the air, its descent controlled by aerodynamic forces. The camera’s small size and lightweight construction make it susceptible to these forces, which can lead to unpredictable movements and spins.

Terminal Velocity

The camera’s fall is influenced by the principles of physics, specifically gravity and air resistance. As it descends, it reaches a point called “terminal velocity.” This is the speed at which the camera’s weight is balanced by the drag force of the air. Terminal velocity varies based on factors such as the camera’s size, shape, and weight, but for a small action camera, it’s relatively low.

Impact with the Ground

What happens next depends largely on where the camera falls. If it lands in a soft, forgiving surface like a field of grass, it might survive the fall with minor or no damage. However, if it plummets onto a harder surface like concrete or water, the outcome is less promising.

Retrieval and the Unusual Story

In some rare instances, a lost action camera’s journey doesn’t end with impact. If it falls in a remote area and remains intact, it may be discovered later by a lucky individual. This person might stumble upon a seemingly ordinary camera and, upon reviewing its contents, uncover a remarkable story of aerial adventure and an unexpected freefall.


The fate of an action camera that gets sucked out of a small plane window is a unique and unpredictable one. Its journey is governed by the laws of physics and chance, from the moment it exits the aircraft to its eventual landing point. While the camera itself might not be built for flight, its unexpected voyage can result in an extraordinary tale that captures the imagination of those who discover it. It serves as a reminder that in aviation, as in life, the unexpected can lead to remarkable stories.

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