Apparently, a Bear attacked this Super Cub while it was parked in a remote area in Alaska.

The pilot had not cleaned out the inside after a long fishing trip and the Bear smelled a fish smell.

The pilot had two new tires, three cases of Duct Tape (never leave home without it, the greatest stuff) and several rolls of cellophane delivered to repair the Cub so he could fly it home for airworthy repair.

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14 years ago

better than new:-)))

Duncan Tribute
Duncan Tribute
14 years ago

You may consider it appropriate to list these pictures under Aviation Humor. However, the airplane owner did not think so, when his insurance company wrote off the returned ‘wreckage’ as a total loss when the aircraft made it back to civilisation.

A brilliant engineering job, a good ad for duct tape, but no joke.

Ed T
Ed T
14 years ago

Punch tested??? LOL

David Manko
David Manko
3 years ago

Gotta admit , does look nice

Tom Hager
2 years ago

Might as well rough up the tape and paint it