In the early 1930’s, a farmer and his wife went to a fair. The farmer was fascinated by the airplanes and asked a pilot how much a ride would cost.

“$10 for 3 minutes,” replied the pilot. “That’s too much,” said the farmer.

The pilot thought for a second and then said, “I’ll make you a deal. If you and your wife ride for 3 minutes without uttering a sound, the ride will be free. But if you make a sound, you’ll have to pay $10.”

The farmer and his wife agreed and went for a wild ride. After they landed, the pilot said to the farmer, “I want to congratulate you for not making a sound. You are a brave man.”

“Maybe so,” said the farmer, “But I gotta tell ya, I almost screamed when my wife fell out.”

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Dave Shallbetter
Dave Shallbetter
12 years ago

Most of that joke is missing. Original joke (from memory): A man & his wife were at a fair & he wanted to go for an airplane ride, but the wife balked at the $10 dollar charge, saying, “But George, $10 is $10…” The pilot offered a deal, if they were silent through the entire ride, it would be free. They agreed & took the ride. The pilot, buond & determined NOT to loose the $10 fare, flew the aircraft hard,including steep turns & even a roll. Back on the ground, the pilot said, “I’m amazed you stayed quiet for… Read more »