F-111 Chicken:
Crosses the eight-lane highway both ways!
F/A-18E Chicken:
Crosses the road ahead of schedule and with less cost than expected
TSR.2 Chicken:
It tried hard to cross the road, but got beheaded before getting to the kerb
A-10 Chicken:
Tough enough to cross the road even when cars are about!
Rafale Chicken:
You see different colored feathers while it crosses, but cook it and it still tastes like… chicken.
F-15E Chicken:
Crosses the road fast, low, and very accurately, and wards off any cars that might want to knock it down.
F-16 Chicken:
Small, light, and agile, but seldom has enough fuel to reach the other side.
F-4 Chicken:
Getting elderly, but still in top form to take on tomorrows roads. Very ugly, but very effective.
Foxbat Chicken:
Crosses so fast it gets a speeding ticket!
E-3A Chicken:
Looks left, right, forward, back, up, down and all around, then directs all the other Chickens as to where is the safest place to cross.
F-117 Chicken:
Only crosses the road at night…
B-47 Chicken:
Tried to run, but got flattened by the B-52 Chicken
B-52 Chicken:
A rather elderly Chicken that crosses the road with noise, smoke, and a huge load, but can easily be knocked over by a car before it gets to the other side.
B-2 Chicken:
Nobody really knows…
SR-71 Chicken:
Can’t lay eggs, but if run on the correct JP-7 fodder can reach high enough speed to outrun any preying foxes, and can flap high enough to escape the clutches of their paws. Easily discernable by piping hot black feathers.
Stits SkyBaby Chicken:
Can’t cluck, and can’t lay eggs, but you can carry it across the road in your pocket
X-15 Chicken:
Crosses faster than any other chicken, but if you don’t dip it in liquid nitrogen first, it arrives on the other side fully cooked.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Part one

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